Dj Qbert in Houston Texas!

By G.Parra Jr.

It’s another Friday night in Houston TX and another Luna Face Productions event has implanted itself into the Houston Heights District. Fitzgeralds!, home of cool music, sights of women in short skirt mini’s jumping out of taxi cabs, and hip hop enthusiast who roam the sidewalks as side street parking slowly diminishes. The temperature in my car read 99 degrees outside but I knew the heat was about to get hotter since Luna Face Productions teamed up with the guys at SuckerPunch to bring back an Htown urban legend.

All this Scratching is making me itch!

There is a tale from waaaaaaay back-Htown-when a venue named The Wax Museum, now known as the permanent address for the Rockets, was known for its keen Hip Hop gatherings. This Shangri-La has since dispersed along with it's energies and good vibes making great stories of hip hop history.
Still considered to some as the meca of all hip hop, "Tha Wax" was Houston's central hub for hip hop music as influential resident dj's courted the venue during its weekend nightls. This lead many influential hip hop musicians in wanting to participate.
One such historic performer was a young composer by the name of Dj Qbert. The day’s of The Wax are over but Dj Qbert continues as he tours cities and countries spreading teachings of Turntablism and composing. I had the honor of standing next to one of the most influential and electrifying Dj-composers in history. It was all thanks to LunaFace Productions and SuckerPunch.

Great job Houston!

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